This eSpring Water Purifier (122940) is not eligible for trade-in.
Featuring the advanced e3 Carbon Filter and UV-C LED technology, the new eSpring Water Purifier effectively reduces over 170 contaminants, including microplastics, pharmaceuticals, bacteria, viruses and waterborne cysts, all while retaining beneficial minerals for cleaner, healthier and better-tasting drinking water than ever before.
Free installation
• Free Installation consists of a basic tabletop setup from the box, excluding Coring/Hacking.
• The free installation is valid for 30 days from the time the unit is received. The installation must be completed within this time frame.
• Order number must be provided.
For free installation, contact the following:
Call Centre Hotline: (+65) 6550 9911
{{ product.aboPriceValue | formattedPrice }} ABO/APC Price
Retail Price: {{ product.retailPrice | formattedPrice }}PRODUCT OVERVIEW
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